New Upcoming Schools in Gurgaon: ARDEE The Best Schooling

Schooling plays a vital role in a person’s life. A person, what he is – is determined by how he has been schooled and shaped through his childhood to how he grew up. When a child is born and is sent to a school, he is like a dough of clay, ready to be molded. Now, how he is molded will determine how all the others will be molded, how a town, a city will be molded, how a state shall be and how the country hence will be. When a child takes its first steps, a parent cannot help but fantasize all the possible things that their child could be. A parent wants their child to have the best possible future that one can imagine and the right knowledge and schooling is a major part of this. A school that takes education and morals seriously should be a parent’s first choice when imparting knowledge is the concern. Imagine a place that is the building block to not just one’s career but also one’s personality and all the foundational things that one is made of – that is how Ardee school is,...