New Upcoming Schools in Gurgaon: ARDEE The Best Schooling


Schooling plays a vital role in a person’s life. A person, what he is – is determined by how he has been schooled and shaped through his childhood to how he grew up.

When a child is born and is sent to a school, he is like a dough of clay, ready to be molded. Now, how he is molded will determine how all the others will be molded, how a town, a city will be molded, how a state shall be and how the country hence will be. When a child takes its first steps, a parent cannot help but fantasize all the possible things that their child could be. A parent wants their child to have the best possible future that one can imagine and the right knowledge and schooling is a major part of this.

A school that takes education and morals seriously should be a parent’s first choice when imparting knowledge is the concern. Imagine a place that is the building block to not just one’s career but also one’s personality and all the foundational things that one is made of – that is how Ardee school is, with the unwavering goal of building a child’s psyche into that of a happy, intelligent and well performing individual who is both valuable to oneself and valuable to society.

A child that walks into Ardee school shall receive not just immense love and care, but also, with the help of well intending teachers and guides, be able to tread the path of pure knowledge – making a valuable asset to humanity.

All the teachers at Ardee, one of the top 20 schools in Gurgaon, know their social responsibility of shaping a child’s psyche in such a way that they become great individuals when they grow up. Teachers in all domains are well versed perfectionists – be it science, humanities, commerce or languages. The classes are sprawling, giving scope for the child’s infinite imagination to have no boundaries – the playgrounds are vast, for children to run across freely and play all kinds of sports that they want to train themselves in. Ardee school is not just a building, it is an intention to spread knowledge far and wide making the world a wonderful place, devoid of illiteracy.

Come to the Gurgaon Branch of Ardee School one of the best schools in gurgaon for your child’s great future. Secure your child’s life by taking admissions into Ardee as it it one of the top 5 schools in gurgaon with an amazing faculty of teachers, top class amenities, sprawling classrooms and transportation systems.


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