How is the Education System in Schools of Gurgaon?

The education system of a country usually fulfils a greater purpose, especially for the country’s major objective – whatever it may be. This major objective is usually decided by the leaders and top individuals.

In the Asian Education System, competitiveness is way more appreciated and given heed to, and a unified and universal system of evaluation followed, where every child has to meet their shortcomings in trying to meet those standards in order to excel. One of the major reasons why the system is more important than the individual is because of the population in Asia which cannot allow teachers or the education system to particularly look into each and every individual but have a set standard/goal that is expected to be fulfilled.

Education in a country that has a smaller number of individuals, it is easier to focus on each individual, one at a time. This kind of education system or learning system would help in pushing quality, thinking, creativity and subjective growth – specifically when the concern is building the nation qualitatively.

Any nation’s building structure dictates how its learning style should be like. Mostly, it is from the schools that a nation’s growth trajectory can be charted. If a nation aims to be an industrial force in the world, the education system shall have curricula that support industrial thinking and instill practicality in a student. If a nation aims to be medical capital of the world, the entire education system will be designed to make medical professionals from the very beginning.

Let us take into consideration Finnish education system. It is one of the best education systems in the world – due to its brave and bold approach towards teaching. Finnish education system believes in building the individual, over and above imposing a set standard on the child. The Finnish education system particularly is focused on building teachers who make a child’s learning experience the first and foremost important criteria and nothing else. These teachers are supposed to do a master’s course that is particularly focused on making them capable of dealing with different personalities. Therefore, there are more modules and teaching styles that are applied, on a ‘to each his own’ basis. There are schools in Gurgaon which have a great education system, almost like the Finnish education system.

The major difference between a ‘one standard’ education system and a ‘many standards’ education system is that one values competition, completion of tasks and creating oneself to fit the external standards vs one that is more about finding what suits the self the best, promotes creative thinking and exploration over speedily coming onto decisions and adhering to what an external standard.

Both of these education styles are supposed to have pros and cons, the pro for a ‘one standard’ is that the nation will be way more active, socially codependent and will be valuing a system. The pro of a ‘many standards’ education system is that there is a greater chance for invention and arts. If asked, what runs a nation, it is of course, the ‘one standard’ education system but if asked what carries the nation forward, it is the ‘many standards. The top 20 schools in Gurgaon have a 60-40 ratio of paying importance to a system vs paying importance to the tastes of the self, which creates both – a person who excels in management and a person who excels in arts.

But a ‘one standard’ without ‘many standards’ would be a stagnant country also, a ‘many standards’ without ‘one standard’ would be a dysfunctional country.

When a country finds a balance between one standard and many standards and caters to all kinds of students – and hence, has a balanced growth in its structure and innovation. There are many schools in Gurgaon which focus on the best teaching practices, tending to both – an externalized standard and the individual needs of a student.


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