What are the 9 types of intelligence?

We were always made to think of intelligence to be a straitjacketed concept. Those who performed great academically were deemed the only intelligent people in the society, but gone are the days of ignorance. Recent studies suggest that there are 9 different types of intelligence in existence, which are all equally as intelligent as intelligent should be. Let us find out what they are and how they manifest in different people.  

Intelligence can be divided into 9 types, namely:


  • Spatial
  • Bodily-Kinaesthetic  
  • Musical
  • Linguistic
  • Logical-mathematical
  • Interpersonal  
  • Intra-personal
  • Naturalist
  • Existential  

Spatial Intelligence - Visualizing the world in 3 Dimensions. 

Strengths – Visual and spatial knowledge and judgement.  

Characteristics – 1. Is good at drawing  

2. Good at solving puzzles  

3. Great at recognizing patterns  

4. Easily interprets visuals and their meanings  

Spatial intelligence is why some people are great at solving problems and puzzles and are wonderful at recognizing patterns. They are the best when it comes to interpretation of visuals and discerning the real meanings in them. The top 5 schools in Gurgaon take into account the importance of invoking spatial intelligence and plans activities accordingly.  


Bodily-Kinaesthetic Intelligence - Making your body and mind work hand in hand in full coordination. Actions being extremely in sync with what has been thought and how it has been thought. 

Strengths – Physical movement, motor control  

Characteristics – 1. Is good at playing sports  

2. Has wonderful physical coordination  

3. Is better at remembering things by doing a lot of activity, hearing and seeing.  

Bodily-Kinaesthetic intelligent people are great with things that are related to the body, we can find them being extremely movement focused, especially in spontaneous body movements that requires precision and adventure. This person has wonderful physical coordination and has a memory style that indulges doing a lot of activities, hearing and seeing. The top play schools in Gurgaon and the best sports school in Gurgaon take into account the importance of being physically active and in control of the motors.  

Musical Intelligence - Understanding sounds, pitches, tones, rhythms and everything that is related to hearing. 

Strengths – Rhythm and music  

Characteristics – 1. Having huge respect for music  

2. Thinking in the form of sounds and patterns  

3. A great understanding of the musical structure and notes 

Musically intelligent people have the added benefits of being very aware of any sound, naturally understanding notes, pitches, rhythms. They are musically inclined, I.e., they are great at thinking in the form of sounds and patterns, and are great at understanding the musical structures. Musically gifted students would do great in the top 20 schools in Gurgaon as these schools have some of the best faculties consisting of well-trained, professional singers.  

Linguistic Intelligence - Finding the exact words to express whatever you have been meaning to say. A proper semantic functioning would make for a linguistically intelligent person. 

Strengths – Words, language, writing  

Characteristics – 1. Loves writing and reading as activities 

2. Great at conducting publicly  

3. Has a persuasive nature  

4. Can explain even the most complex of things  

The linguistically intelligent ones are great at expressing through words and the languages. They love writing and reading as fun activities, are great at conducting themselves publicly. They have a persuasive nature, can convince with the power of good language and such students perform very well in subjects such as the languages, social sciences which require the use of persuasive and demonstrative language. The new school in Gurgaon are teaching good skills in the languages and have good faculty members who are linguistically intelligent themselves and have the capacity to bring it out in others.  

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence - Making things quantifiable, making assumptions and hypotheses and proving them using numbers and equations, or facts. 

Strengths – Dealing with and analysing problems, operating mathematically  

Characteristics – 1. A speedy problem solver  

2. Unlocks and understands complex maths  

3. Likes discerning complex and abstract ideas 

The logical-mathematical intelligent people are great with understanding problems with the intention of solving them. They are great at unlocking and understanding complex maths, speedily discover problems and are readily trying to find solutions for them. The new schools in Gurgaon have good logical minded teachers who teach logic like none other.


Interpersonal Intelligence - Understanding how others feel and gauging their motivations. It has so much to do with understanding things on an intuitive basis, absorbing people’s emotions as if they were one’s own. 

Strengths – Understanding others and being able to relate to them  

Characteristics – 1. Very strong emotional intelligence  

2. Makes healthy relationships  

3. Great at solving conflicts  

People with a high level of interpersonal intelligence usually tend to have a mediative nature, with very high emotional intelligence that helps them in understanding, absorbing and reflecting the feelings and emotions of others. It helps in building healthy relationships with others as the level of empathy and perceptivity in these individuals is very high, making them some of the most negotiable characters. They are also great at solving conflicts and duels. The pre primary school in Gurgaon take into account the importance of recruiting teachers and mentors who have high empathy and are emotionally intelligent to understand the same characteristics in emotionally intelligent children to nurture them.


Intrapersonal Intelligence - An understanding of one’s own feelings, emotions and thoughts. One’s motivations and inspirations. 

Strengths – Good introspection and retrospection  

Characteristics – 1. Is very clear about one’s own strengths and weaknesses  

2. Hugely aware of oneself  

3. Very sensitive about one’s own’s feelings  

Not all people are wary of their own feelings, those who are high in intrapersonal intelligence have the ability of being very clear of their individual strengths and weaknesses. They have high self-awareness and can connect deeply with how they feel on matters, both external and internal to them. Being highly sensitive about one’s own’s feelings, they lead with a certain level of authenticity and clear inner moral compass that leads them to take personalized decisions in life. The top play school in Gurgaon encourages children to develop intrapersonal intelligence, understanding the vitality in connecting with oneself to connect with the world better.  

Naturalistic Intelligence - Understanding living things and getting to know nature. 

Strengths – Being able to see patterns and relationships in nature  

Characteristics – 1. Amply interested in areas like biology, botany and zoology  

2. Has appreciation for nature  

3. Enjoys all the activities that require earthing  

People with naturalistic intelligence are usually very good with Flora and Fauna. They are also extremely interested in subjects that have to do with nature like Biology, Biochemistry, Botany, Zoology and the likes. They keep running back to nature, are wanderers that love nature like no other. They tend to enjoy activities that requires a lot of earthing like walking on the grass with bare feet, getting drenched in the rains, gardening. The top 20 schools in Gurgaon have activities to help naturalistic kids delve in their deepest desires and comfort zones by encouraging earthing activities as a part of co-curriculum.  

Existential Intelligence - Delving in the questions related to life, the processes of birthing and dying and all the reasons behind it. 

Strengths – Able to see the big picture, intuitive, spiritual 

Characteristics – 1. A very philosophical approach to things 

2. Able to predict future outcomes  

3. Able to see things beyond the physical realm 

People that have high existential intelligence are the philosophers of the society, who discern the true meanings behind existence and are highly inquisitive in nature. From a very young age, they are known to be more aware of their surroundings in a more holistic and ethereal way than is expected of off a child. The new school in Gurgaon are finally taking into consideration these rare individuals, who are highly thought-driven, are philosophical and are visionary beyond their ages.  


Given there so many intelligent people on earth, let us no longer restrict ourselves and our children to fit into a singular description. Let us all be intelligent in our own unique ways.  


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